How to questions
- Can I grant badges or certificates after completing a module?
- How many badges can I add to my course?
- ReCaptcha logo with Confetti feature
- How can I adjust the size of the badges?
- How do I create certificates and badges?
- Can I create a badge when a user logs in for the first time?
- Can I hide not-owned badges in stead of showing out a greyed version?
- How do I switch off the post completion message in Gamify Pro?
- Is it possible to see how many students have earned a badge?
- Do I need to create different badge offers for each course or can they be reused?
- When I preview my course as an admin, I cannot see all the Gamify features. How to solve this?
- How do I implement Kajabi Gamify Pro, is it difficult or easy?
- Can I hide the Lesson completed button